Joe Rogan… Internal Combustion Engine Bans are Crazy!

If you haven’t seen it yet, Joe Rogan’s interview with brothers Jeremy and Phil Gerber, co-owners of The Roadster Shop, is a must-see. The two brothers who do stunning customs and restorations of heart-pounding performance vehicles were guests on Rogan’s popular podcast on August 17th.

In this 13-minute clip, Rogan and the Gerber brothers discuss the folly of ICE bans at length, pointing out, among other things, the devastating environmental and human impact of cobalt mining – a key input in electric vehicle batteries. “Stop thinking you have zero impact. You’re buying this; you’re contributing to this.”

“What they’re doing is crazy. You can’t buy new internal combustion engines after 2035,” Rogan says at the beginning of the clip. The Gerber brothers remind Rogan that 20-something other states are considering ICE bans and that they are even being implemented “without a vote” by citizens of the states, as state legislatures and regulators simply pass rules adopting California’s mandates.

The whole segment is fantastic… Definitely worth a watch.

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