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President Biden’s Ivory Tower Crumbles

President Biden’s policies undermined his political support and ultimately his candidacy. Radical policies like mandating electric vehicles that many struggling families can’t afford is un-American and not surprisingly unraveled his political support.

EV mandates exacerbate energy poverty

Gary Baxter, founder of the Energy and Poverty Awareness Center (EnPAC), argues that electric vehicle (EV) mandates are exacerbating energy poverty, particularly among minority communities. His organization, established to address…

The EV revolution has stalled — and this new poll reveals why

A recent poll by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, along with the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, reveals that the electric vehicle (EV) revolution in the U.S. has encountered significant resistance from consumers.

A Blow Against California’s EV Tyranny

Sixteen states and D.C. have signed on to California’s latest unworkable mandate for zero-emission vehicles. Virginia is the first of those to abandon California’s regulations. That’s a win for the state, its workers and its businesses.

Virginia Exits the California EV Way

Youngkin frees his state from Gavin Newsom’s gas-powered car ban. Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to spread his anti-fossil fuel gospel far beyond California, but last week he lost a follower. Virginia canceled its plan to adopt West Coast vehicle standards, offering drivers freedom instead of climate dogma.


Governor Youngkin Says No To Government-Knows-Best Ban On Gas Powered Cars.  ARLINGTON, VA—On behalf of main street Virginian families, Driving Force Action (DFA) thanks Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares…