Driving Force Action Expands Campaign with Governor Youngkin “Common Sense” Ad

Urges Virginia Voters to Back Candidates Who Support Governor Youngkin’s Promise to Repeal the Commonwealth’s Ban on Gas-Powered Cars and Trucks

Contact: Riley Ploch
Driving Force Action
Email: press@drivingforceaction.org 

Virginia, October 26, 2023 — Driving Force Action (DFA), a grassroots organization advocating for common sense consumer and business-friendly policies, has expanded its political ad campaign with a new ad titled “Common Sense.” The campaign urges support for four candidates running for the Virginia Senate who support sensible regulations and empowering Virginians to reclaim control over their own laws.

The “Common Sense” campaign features excerpts from Governor Glenn Youngkin’s 2021 State of the Commonwealth speech, where he called for repealing Virginia’s ban on gas-powered cars and trucks. “It defies common sense that in 2021, lawmakers decided that instead of writing our own electric vehicle laws, Virginia would simply do whatever California decided to do,” Governor Youngkin told lawmakers during his speech. He emphasized the importance of elected leaders in Virginia making decisions that align with the state’s values and priorities, rather than outsourcing the state’s lawmaking function to radical California bureaucrats.

“We believe in empowering Virginians to make decisions that align with our state’s values and priorities. Our ‘Common Sense’ ad campaign underscores the importance of sensible regulations and policies that benefit both consumers and businesses,” said DFA spokesperson Riley Ploch. “We are proud to support candidates who are dedicated to championing these principles and working towards a brighter future for Virginia.”

Driving Force Action invites all Virginians to join them in their mission to promote common-sense policies by supporting candidates who prioritize the Commonwealth’s interests, rather than those of California bureaucrats. The ads will run in support of DFA’s endorsed candidates, which include:

Emily Brewer (District 17)

Danny Diggs (District 24)

Tara Durant (District 27)

Juan Pablo Segura (District 31)

For more information about Driving Force Action and the “Common Sense” ad campaign, please visit DrivingForceAction.org or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

About Driving Force Action:

Driving Force Action is a grassroots organization dedicated to advocating for sensible regulations and consumer and business-friendly policies. Committed to empowering Virginians, the organization works tirelessly to support candidates who prioritize the state’s interests and advocate for policies that foster a thriving environment for consumers and businesses alike.

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