EV mandates exacerbate energy poverty

Gary Baxter, founder of the Energy and Poverty Awareness Center (EnPAC), argues that electric vehicle (EV) mandates are exacerbating energy poverty, particularly among minority communities. His organization, established to address energy poverty and inspired by his personal experiences and the disparities witnessed during Winter Storm Uri in Texas, advocates for equitable energy solutions. Baxter highlights that Black households are significantly more likely to face utility disconnections and difficulties in affording energy bills, emphasizing the urgent need for policies that address these issues.

Baxter contends that EV mandates, while aimed at reducing carbon emissions, disproportionately impact lower-income and minority communities. He points out that the cost and accessibility of EVs and charging infrastructure are significant barriers for these groups. A Gallup poll supports this, showing low EV ownership among households earning less than $40,000. Baxter urges state and federal leaders to reconsider these mandates, which could lead to higher electricity rates and further exacerbate socioeconomic disparities. EnPAC promotes tailored energy policies that foster renewable energy and efficiency, engaging with communities to develop solutions that align with their needs and promote economic and social well-being.

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