President Biden’s Ivory Tower Crumbles

The President’s policies hurt middle & low-income families undermining his political support

ARLINGTON, VA—President Biden’s policies undermined his political support and ultimately his candidacy. Radical policies like mandating electric vehicles that many struggling families can’t afford is un-American and not surprisingly unraveled his political support.

As the Democratic party scrambles to replace President Biden they should reflect on why policies like his EV mandate are so unpopular with Americans. His ivory tower government-knows-best approach hurts middle and lower-income Americans.

The American people saw through Biden’s “man-of-the-people” persona. His Administration’s “government-knows-best approach” was a turn off to Americans regardless of party. You can’t force families into electric vehicles they can’t afford and expect to be reelected.

The Democratic party has a choice; nominate another Ivory Tower candidate or someone capable of empathizing with regular Americans.

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